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International Expansion Plan

A strategic plan comprising 2 phases:

PHASE 0: Conducting a self-diagnosis, analyzing the degree of international maturity, selecting potential markets, and evaluating the structure and processes. The goal is to identify areas for improvement at this stage, propose solutions, and provide training.

PHASE 1: Analyzing the selected target market and defining strategies for entry or increasing international presence. In this phase, an initial competitive analysis and market competitiveness assessment will be conducted, along with operational and organizational planning considerations. Market logistics, consumer trends, and potential entry barriers will also be addressed.

The International Expansion Plan aims to identify growth opportunities, mitigate risks, and create a roadmap aligned with the client's objectives. It will serve as a tool with processed and validated data to support decision-making.

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Go-To-Market Strategy

Analysis focusing on the product and sales strategy for the market:

  • Product-market fit

  • Competition analysis (pricing, positioning, distribution model, etc.)

  • Identification of key gaps and definition of necessary strategies from the minimum viable offering (MVO) stage to achieving a significant player position

  • Sales and market positioning advisory

  • Entry Model

  • The company will have a roadmap reflecting what is needed to scale sales and how to position itself effectively.

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International Marketing

The communication model in the primary market may not fit or work effectively in the international market.

We propose:

  • Defining the most efficient communication strategy for each situation

  • Creating a brand positioning aligned with the target market and international trends

  • Identifying digital communication channels with the highest reach, scale, and engagement

  • Selecting and developing actions and events with visibility, aligned with a global communication strategy

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Operations Optimization and Organizational Alignment

Factors such as market size, product-market fit, and market selection are crucial but may not fully address the needs for tax and fiscal adjustment and alignment. We analyze processes and operational design to define models of fiscal and financial efficiency across countries and regions.

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International Business Intelligence

Development of studies and reports based on processed data and information, using both primary and secondary sources. The analytical work of research and information processing is complemented with locally gathered information resulting from real market knowledge and experience.

We integrate market intelligence tools driven by AI, enabling the analysis of large volumes of data from various sources: databases, market reports, and social networks. AI algorithms assist in identifying emerging trends, market demands, political risks, trade barriers, and raw material prices. Thus, we produce even more refined insights that can significantly impact competitiveness on a global scale.

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Country Manager Brazil as a Service

In expanding to an international market, human resources play a crucial role throughout the process, and the initial assessment often involves hiring local HR or expatriating existing resources. Both scenarios offer positives but also significant drawbacks. Sometimes, tests need to be conducted that result in market time loss and substantial costs.

This situation is even more pertinent in Brazil, a market with immense potential but complex and with significant cultural nuances. We act as a local country manager for companies across various industries, products, and services, and this strategy has proven highly successful for companies in their international approach phase.

Hiring a local country manager under the "as a service" model is a strategic advantage that can streamline the entire process and provide greater security with fewer resources.

a) Cost efficiency and risk mitigation: Hiring a resource "as a service" allows for a safer market test, avoids exposure to Brazilian labor obligations, and circumvents long-term commitments.

b) Entry speed: An expert familiar with the market requires no adaptation time or settling-in period. Activities kick off much more quickly.

c) Local presence and networking: Brazil's business culture highly values local presence, which not only provides greater security but also accelerates negotiations. Building close relationships with clients, suppliers, and partners is crucial in Brazil.

d) Real-time market monitoring: Keeping track of market trends, competition positioning, and promptly responding to customer requests is only feasible with a local presence. This enables more agile monitoring of the outlined plan and, importantly, any necessary adjustments.

e) Local expertise: Local knowledge is crucial in a market like Brazil. The country manager provides the company with a local business perspective, cultural insights, and an extensive network. These factors significantly accelerate entry time.

f) Understanding of local bureaucracy and regulatory matters: Certain issues in Brazil can be complex and significantly differ from the legal landscape of the company's home country. Moreover, regulations may vary from state to state within Brazil. Being familiar with these matters, anticipating scenarios, and navigating through legal and bureaucratic complexities are crucial and can make the difference between project success or failure.

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Mentoring and Training

With over 20 years of experience in expansion projects in the Brazilian market and various international markets, we have developed adaptable methodologies tailored to each situation. We support companies, startups, and leaders in different phases of expansion in both local and international markets.

We conduct individual or group sessions covering various topics:

  • Training in strategy, people, and business culture

  • Growth and Go-To-Market (GTM)

  • Assistance in developing the International Plan

  • Workshops on the Brazilian market

  • Workshops on international markets

  • Preparation of sales pitches focused on the target market

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Legal Representation for International Partnerships and Corporations

Brazilian corporate law requires that international investors, whether individuals or legal entities, as well as foreign directors and advisors residing outside Brazil, appoint a resident individual with specific powers to legally represent them (Law 6.404/76).

We have been requested by international clients to act as their attorneys and represent them before judicial and tax authorities. Over the years, we have established partnerships with prestigious law firms, consultancies, banks, and accounting offices that also request this service for their international clients.

We offer a differentiated service that combines legal expertise with market knowledge from a business perspective.

We operate in an extremely selective manner, in line with international compliance standards. We conduct risk assessments and audits to identify potential vulnerabilities and the need for further information. Our purpose is to consistently provide security, transparency, and accountability in our client relationships, aiming to find a balanced approach that ensures protection for both parties.

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